Henna Painting: Explore Ancient Traditions with Modern Expression
Service Descriptions
Make Unique Self-portraits
Henna painting is a unique addition as a charming keepsake for your guests to make the event even more fun. This henna painting is very popular with children and adults who love to have this beautiful painting.
The TITAN team works with skilled henna painting artists to provide your guests with fully custom henna paintings. We confirm safe and non-toxic products use in the Henna drawing section - safety is the number one priority. Also, we can create custom art based on your theme.
We provide henna painting services for cultural celebrations, festivals, carnivals, parties, and more.
Indulge in the art of henna painting with us at your event!
Contact us to discuss more details. Kindly send your inquiries to sales@titanevent.com.my or call +6016-720 1299 (Chew).
The TITAN team is ready to serve you, whatever the challenge.
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